Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Chicago - Day 2, First Half

Our first day in Chicago did not go exactly as planned. We were supposed to go to the aquarium and planetarium, but got sidetracked by wandering and made it there too late. But alas, a great start to the day was had. 

The beautiful Harold Washington Library Centre building in the background. The building is gigantic, as is evident in the photo, and the gargoyles on top were a wonderful sight we stumbled upon randomly. Apparently, according to the Guinness Book of Records, it is the largest library building in the world. I would love to have a library like this at home. Epic.
Lou Mitchell's was rated as one of the top breakfast joints in the city, so we had to check it out. It was in the opposite direction of where we wanted to be that day, but still made the treck. Did not realize it was so far from our hotel, but after about a half hour of walking battling the freezing winds, we made it. 
I loved how they give you Milk Duds and a slice of orange with plum jam when you sit down. 
I ordered some kind of omelette with turkey sausage covered in gravy, with potatoes on the side. I figured we're in Chicago so might as well do it big and try something new. It was tasty, but way too big  and I had to leave more than half of it behind. We took it to go and were going to find a homeless person to give it to, but couldn't find one for about an hour. Turkey sausage omelette then got thrown out :( My eyes are too big for my stomach, yet again.
The place was really cute and had a big variety of breakfast options. I would recommend it to anyone visiting Chicago. It's a big of a tourist trap, but sometimes it's fun to visit those as well. And they give you a fresh donut centre right as you walk in, which is kind of fun. 
After breakfast we decided to take the long way back to the planetarium and walk around the neighbourhood a little bit. The only reason we wanted to go to the planetarium this day was because it was supposed to be the coldest day of our stay there. And it was. Not the best day for walking around all day, but sometimes it's good to stray from your plan and just do whatever. We ended up walking north somewhere, and made a giant loop back down.
Ended up in a residential/industrial area where no one was around and we had no idea where we were. It was really pretty, and we just enjoyed our surroundings.
Quite cold but nice and sunny. It was so windy and I remember my scarf kept flapping around hitting the camera like crazy.
Came across a cool bridge. This house is right by the water and I loved the circular staircases leading up. It was different from all the other houses around. 
We stayed at this location for like a while. I just loved looking out at the city and watching the water and boats pass by. Everything is so grand in Chicago. It was awesome. 
Everything is big and elaborate. 
Never really made it a priority to go the the Field Museum since we were only there a couple days, but I just loved this poster for it. 
See, big!
This beautiful building was already decorated for Halloween. I liked the giant spider taking over. Stephen felt a need to fight it :P
The way the afternoon light hit this statue made it really eerie looking. 
One of my favourite buildings in Chicago.
Testing out my new Iphone 5's panoramic ability. Pretty cool.

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