Monday, January 28, 2013

Chicago - Day 3: Lincoln Park Zoo

Our third day in Chicago started nice and early. We headed for brunch, and then were off to the Lincoln Park Zoo.

 We couldn't figure out which bus to take and where to find said bus for a while. So it took us a while to get to Lincoln Park, and I was so hangry (definition here, if you are unfamiliar with a very applicable to me term) by the time we got there. I was complaining and just wanted to eat somewhere close by, but Stephen found a cute spot to eat in Lincoln Park so we made it a mission to get there. I sucked it up and eventually we made it to a cute place called Nookies. It was a great spot in a nice neighbourhood. They had an extensive breakfast, sandwich, and salad menu and everything looked great. I settled on the Mushroom Benny, which was really tasty. I recommend this place, and after eating I was in a much better mood to continue with the day. 
I loved wandering through the zoo. I normally find them quite sad, and I still did somewhat. But the Lincoln Park Zoo was quite nice, and free! It was a lot bigger than I expected, and we ended up spending a couple of hours there. 
These flamingoes were funny. 
I would love this little guy to be my friend. So cute!
This lioness was somewhat intimidating and yet majestic at the same time. We kept joking at how she was probably judging and planning her escape to eat us all. 
I love giraffes!
How do they stand on those tiny stick legs?!!
These birds were my favourite. They were just chilling on a fence and did not move at all, even though we were really close. It was funny because they almost moved in unison, and their curly mustache like faces made them really comical. 
Eyeing them down. 
- skirt: Zara
- jacket: Danier Leather
- shoes: Leather Converse
- scarf: Self made
- sunglasses: H&M

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